Friday, May 8, 2009

Jonathan's Birthday


Spongebob Operation...Jagger's gift to Daddy!

Afton making fun of Jonathan's "cool" picture (and experiencing the tight-rolled feeling for the first time, ha ha)!

Jagger blowing/spitting out the candle with Daddy!!

Jagger & Jett...need I say more??

We had fun celebrating Jonathan's birthday yesterday! Besides the fact that I posted his "hottest" picture ever on the blog and had it put on the school morning announcements, he wasn't too embarrassed! Actually, I'm sure he'll get me back eventually (and probably way worse)! Oh are some pictures from yesterday. Mom cooked us dinner, and it was awesome! Then, she made a delicious strawberry shortcake for Jonathan. It didn't take long for Jagger & Jett to strip down to their underwear, either. This was after they were putting sand in each other's hair in the sandbox! Then, Afton had a blast making fun of Jonathan's picture! I really felt old when she asked what it meant to "tight-roll" your jeans! She's 14, but didn't have a clue! So, as I started showing her with her own jeans, she was dying laughing and kept saying, "You mean, you wore your jeans like this?!!!" Anyway, we had a good time!

Jagger also got his daddy a Spongebob Operation game! He really knows how to work the system because I kind of said, "Honey, daddy doesn't really play games that much. Do you think we should maybe find him something else?" That's when Jagger said, "But, Mommy, me and Daddy can play Doctor Spongebob together. Daddy will love this game. I really want to get Doctor Spongebob for daddy. He'll be so sad if we don't get him this game!" So...I totally folded, and we got the game for "Daddy"! Yeah, right...Jagger knew exactly what he was doing! He wanted the game for HIM, and he got it! Mom's a SUCKER!! What's hilarious is that the idea of the game is to get the pieces out without the buzzer going off. Most people really try hard, and you might only hear a quick buzz every now and then. No, not Jagger! I told Jonathan that I didn't realize the Operation game could sound like a weed-eater! It doesn't phase Jagger a bit when that buzzer goes off!! It's quite entertaining (and will drive me nuts, I'm sure)!!

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