Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My first post

This is my first post ever to my new blog! I've been a follower of blogs for a while now, but never took the time to create my own. I'm excited to share my life, my feelings, experiences, and pictures (of course) to family, friends and anyone else who's interested! I should have begun this process 2 years ago when we found out that our precious little girl had a heart defect. I have over 50 pages of a journal that I've kept in Word, explaining my grief and healing. I will not attempt to post all of my journal entries, but I promise to share my feelings from this point on. Grief does not have as tight a hold of me as it used to, but I still have moments where all I can think of is my London. Sometimes those moments are accompanied with tears, sometimes with a smile - depending on the day. We are blessed, though, to have our precious boys, and Jack (2 months old today) has brought so much happiness back into our lives after losing London. It's wonderful having a baby in our home to love. It's awesome seeing Jagger as a big brother - finally. Jack doesn't take London's place...nothing ever will...but he does give us a new reason to smile! We are blessed!