Saturday, July 10, 2010

On a lighter note...

I thought these were too pretty not to share. I took these pics in my mom's flower garden.

We went to Grandmother & Granddad's and picked corn. Jagger helped shuck it for the first time. That didn't last long!

This was the best part of the day! Jack is obsessed with tractors...I mean, obsessed! He loved Granddad's "ta-ter" and threw a good fit when it was time to get off :)

The boys are really starting to play together, and it is so sweet to see. This is their latest game...Jagger lifts Jack (he thinks he's so strong to be able to carry him) into the dump truck. Then he pushes him so fast that if he wrecked, there would be major tears, but Jack laughs so hard that the speed is totally worth the risk, I guess. I'm the party pooper mom who tells him to slow down all the time, and it ruins the fun.

Jack then pushes Jagger with all his might until they run into something. He thinks he's really big stuff to be able to push his brother around. I'm slowly learning that I'm going to be a ball of nerves with 2 boys around!!
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1 comment:

The B Family said...

Oh yes, a constant ball of nerves!!! Boys will be boys! Luke scares me with how wild he is! Wyatt is all boy, no doubt, but I think Luke got an extra dose of craziness in there somewhere! :)

You know I adore those butterfly picutres! Somebody else has a fancy dancy camera, too??!?!?!

I got your voice has been gone most of the week as we've all had a nasty respiratory bug going on but I want to talk soon! I also love the fact that we totally get each other and know that when we speak again it'll be as though no time has passed anyways!

Love you~ Rebecca