Thursday, February 18, 2010

Say Cheese!

I got a new camera this week, and I'm having a blast playing with it. Afton (my 15 yr. old sister) let me take pictures of her. I was totally pretending that I was a big time photographer (although I barely know how to use my camera!) and she was so annoyed! She kept saying, "What do you want me to do??? I look like such a DORK!" Anyway, it was fun, and although I won't share our entire "photo shoot" :), I thought these turned out quite nicely! Afton still thinks she looks like a dork, but that's a 15 year old for you!

A typical little man, huh?! He knows exactly what to do with that remote!

Yes, that's a basket on his head. Well, to him, it was actually some kind of "robot helmet that could turn him into anything he wanted to be." His imagination isn't lacking :)

He's oozing "rotten" in this picture! He got caught going for the trash! And yes, as a matter of fact, that IS a Christmas bib!!! Well, we didn't get out of the house that day, so who cares?!! Oh, I forgot to mention that we've been off of school for 3 days this week and 3 days last week for snow! I will really be put out when I have to work an entire 5-day week! We did work today, but MAN am I glad tomorrow's Friday!!! Ha ha ha


The B Family said...

Great pictures! Goodness, I can't believe how big Jack is getting! WHAT A DOLL!!!!

Michele said...

Great pictures!

Shelley Gore said...

I can't believe how grown-up Afton is! 15 - wow. Where does time go? I never had her in class but I feel like I know her. I believe she was in 5th grade when we moved into Creekside. Great pics, by the way. I believe you could have a side business in photography! :)