Saturday, February 6, 2010

You know you're a mom when...

You know you're a mom when...
Or should I say, you know you're way more concerned with convenience than vanity when...
You actually WANT a VAN!!!! Yes, I have to admit that for the past year, I have been wishing and hoping for a van! I want to be spoiled with doors that magically open for me when I have an armload of little boys or groceries! I want my children to be entertained while we drive. And, ultimately, I want to be able to get them in and out of their car seats without throwing my back out or feeling like I've wrestled a bull in a tiny closet!!!'s official! I am a VAN MOM!!! And I LOVE it!!
In fact, Jagger loves it more than I do. He threw a crying fit to stay in the van and watch his Scooby Doo movie the first night we got it! Jonathan, on the other hand, is still clinging to his youth (although he'll be 35 in a few months) and isn't real keen on the idea...yet! That'll change when we go on a long trip! But...Jonathan emailed me and several friends and family yesterday saying that this was his "new look".

Well, he's not the only one giving me grief! Other family and friends had a blast sending me pictures of my "new look". The first one was from my uncle Tommy whose email said "Ashlee taking Jagger and Jack to school!" What makes this picture so awesome is that my mom had a van that looked JUST like this when we were little, and she drove it so long that we ended up calling it the "lawnmower van" because it sounded like one and it would smoke like crazy!!! I'm laughing just thinking about it! Here you go...

Then, my sister Alaena replied to that email with this one! It leaves me speechless!!

The more you look, the more you see! Yes, they're driving from up there :)
Well, mine isn't quite that exciting, but here is a picture of my cool ride - ha ha!

Jagger - dirty face and all - watching Scooby Doo in the van :)


The B Family said...

Don't you LOVE it??!?!?! I never, I mean absolutely never thought I'd drive a van either but man I just love it! It's so darn practical...and everything just somehow fits...oh and the DVD player is lovely! Luke is so funny...he's already figured it out and cranks his head around to try to watch it, too! Too bad little guy has to stay facing the boring seat for 6 more months!

Nikki said...

The thought of a van is wonderful when I'm dealing with 2 boys on a seat where they can touch each other, and it's not a "I love my brother day"..entirely separate seats sound amazing, or putting them way in the back so I don't have to hear every little thing....but I haven't been able to overcome my vanphobia and give in, congrats on conquering yours!!

Nickell said...

Love the van, no joke. I have a feeling I am going to be right behind you!

Lisa said...

The van pictures are hilarious! Your van looks really nice....congrats on being a van mom now!

Michele said...

Those pictures are hillarious....gotta' love family! :) Congratulations on your new van!